Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
A word is nothing else, than a code, and an eye nothing else than a scanner.
A word is nothing else, than a code:
Word „Singer“.
----------------------- Profession: Singer -------------------
Human eye reads word/code (scans code), storing it in the humain brain.
Firstly, one part of the brain asks other part of the brain:
------------------------„What profession?“---------------------
Brain „decodes“ the word/code into a picture:
------------------------ Picture of a singer ----------------------
In order for the brain to answer your question, he must add word/code and picture:
------------------------ Word „Singer“ = Picture of a singer -----------------
And so, the brain delivers you a combo of:
-------------------------- Word/code + Picture -------------------------------
to the part of the brain, which had requested for an answer.
Which is the third part of the brain, as we have:
--> Brain Part 1 :
(Human eye reads word/code (scans code), storing it in the humain brain.)
--> Brain Part 2 :
(Brain „decodes“ the word/code into a picture.)
--> Brain Part 3 :
(Combines word/code with picture, to deliver an aswer to the question.)
--> Brain Part 4 :
(Storage of the understanding/delivered answer.)
4.Decode / create picture
5.Deliver result = Answer
6.Result = understanding
7.Storage of the understood
So, why can't we just read codes, like we read words?
Because we haven't learned how to read codes.
It is probably as simple as that.
When scanning a code, we have a program for decoding codes, that a programmer had developed.
Let us say, that an illiterate (analphabet) had a program for scanning text, and which would turn words and text into pictures and picture stories: Bingo!
This sort of program would only replace a skill that the illiterate had not learned in school.
However: No need to adopt the skill, if there is a cheap program around for that.
Conclusion: Everything that is related to visualisation, can be learned and adopted as a useful skill, without having to rely on computers, for those tasks.
Today, at present, we nevertheless should take advantage of some little helpers, such as mind maps, that are either existing programs on computer operation systems, or that we draw by hand, on a sheet of paper (which is still the best usage for mind mapping, if you have some practice).
Codes, are not dry stuff, and neither boring: It is about pictures, colors, and having fun by doing visualisation. The only thing: You must try to understand codes, and what is behind codes, and about the huge potential that lies within the usage of codes.
I remember having read about so called "smart chips", some years ago: Well, codes can be smart to. You just have to create or add smart, interesting quality content to that code, that can be read by a click and scan of the code.
Codes, are about mobile web content, that is of interest and some benefit for the scanner/reader/consumer/customer/client, which likes to shoot from his hip, with a smart phone.
A clicker happy shooter. Shooting text and image content on the go.
Guns are out, smart phones are in. Shoot me, scan me.
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Mobile Marketing: Weitere Überlegungen
Nun habe ich:
1.) Webseitennamen kreirt und diese registriert, und mit Inhalten gefüllt.
2.) Mich mit Suchmaschinenoptimierung ausseinandergesetzt (SEO) und damit experimentiert.
3.) Des Weiteren, mich mit Mobile Marketing beschäftigt.
4.) Und wie man QR- (Quick Response) Codes überall einsetzen kann.
Jetzt wäre es doch an der Zeit, offline zu gehen: Visitenkarten mit Webadressen und QR-Codes zum Scannen drucken und verteilen.
Einige grossformatige QR-Codes in Schaufenstern, auf Autos, Fahrräder und Tee-Shirts zeigen.
Denn QR-Codes können Informationen wie Kontaktinfo oder Text enthalten (Werbebotschaften, oder auch politische Wahlbroschüren, etc.), oder auf Produktepackungen Angaben zum Inhalt und Produkt machen.
Um Ihre Botschaften in Codes zu verpacken, brauchen Sie einen Code-Generator, diese finden Sie online, bei diversen Anbietern. Dort geben sie einfach den Link Ihrer Webseite ein, oder Ihre sonstigen Kontaktinfos, wie Telefonnummern, Email-Adressen, etc., damit man Ihre Info schnell mit dem Handy (Mobile Phone / iPhone) einscannen und einlesen kann.
Falls Sie bunte Codes haben möchten: Achten Sie immer darauf, dass der Code genügend Kontrast zum Hintergrund hat.
Das Einlesen von QR-Codes ist die schnellste, direkteste und einfachste Art, wie Jemand Etwas über Sie und Ihre Produkte / Firma erfahren kann.
Durch Bereitstellung eines Codes zur rechten Zeit, am richtigen Ort, erreichen Sie Menschen einfacher und schneller, wie wenn Sie nun darauf warten würden, bis diese Menschen allenfalls Ihre Webseite im Internet entdecken. Führen Sie die Leute hin, zu Ihrer Webpräsenz: Von Offline zu Online. Und Online, kann wieder zu Offline-Kontakten führen, wenn Sie einen Verkaufsladen, eine Organisation, etc. haben, die von Kundenbesuchen, Mund zu Mund Propaganda, und von ihrem Bekanntheitsgrad lebt.
Ihre Landingpage im Web, soll die Besucher erst einmal informieren und einladen, mit Ihnen Kontakt aufzunehmen, Ihnen Etwas abzukaufen, und zu guter Letzt, Sie und Ihre Firma weiterzuempfehlen.
Vor nicht allzulanger Zeit, publizierten Werbeplakate nebst der Botschaft des Werbers seine Geschäftsadresse, oder / und seine Webadresse.
Heute kommt es noch besser: Da braucht man sich nichts zu notieren oder zu merken: Schnell QR-Code einscannen und später, in aller Ruhe lesen und studieren. Oder gleich unterwegs kurz einen Blick auf die Botschaft werfen, auf dem Handy-Display. Nur sollte das nicht beim Autofahren oder Gehen in der Fussgängerzone geschehen, sondern dort, wo Sie eine Pause einlegen, und es sich bequem gemacht haben. Auf einer Sitzbank, oder im Tram, Zug, Taxi, etc.. Oder noch besser: Zu Hause auf dem Sofa, anstatt das "Pantoffel-Kino" einzuschalten. (Werbe-Botschaften) brauchen Ihre Zeit und Aufmerksamkeit. Nicht nur Fernseh-Werbespots können unterhalten, sondern auch gut aufgemachte Webseiten. Viel Spass. Und lernen Sie viel Gutes und Nützliches. Ich glaube, dass auch die Werbe-Auftraggeber und Werbe-Agenturen eingesehen haben, dass Volksverblödung, Brainwashing, etc., nicht der alleinige Garant für höhere Verkaufs- und Umsatzzahlen sind. Die Konsumenten sind nicht (alle) blöd, und möchten das auch verstanden wissen, durch etwas anspruchsvollere und interessante Werbung, die auch vermittelt, dass die Firma / der Werber sich verantwortlich gibt, und dem Nachhaltigkeit kein Fremdwort ist. Denn nachhaltige und umweltschonende Produkte können auch Teil der Eigenschaften sein, welche die Nachfrage beinhaltet. Es wird gerade diese Art von Werbung sein, die beim Kunden ankommt, und seine Konsumwünsche befriedigen kann.
Ehrliche und gute Produkte, werden siegen. Kunden-Verarsche is out. Denn mittlerweile können sich die Konsumenten besser und umfangreicher über den Markt und seine Angebote und Produkte informieren. Auch mobile, "on the go" / unterwegs.
Das Mobile Marketing trifft auf Menschen die mobil sind, und das Internet vermehrt auch mobil benutzen. "Um sehen und gesehen zu werden". Also, um Etwas über Sie und Ihre Firma zu erfahren, oder um sich selber darzustellen und zu zeigen. Bestehende Netzwerke helfen, Botschaften zu verbreiten. "Share" (Teile), Dies und Das, geht nirgendswo einfacher und schneller.
Twitter ist beliebt, und respektiert die Tatsache, dass Ihre Zeit kostbar ist, und sie nicht (unbedingt) Stunden und Tage im Internet verbringen möchten.
Zum Schluss bleibt dann doch noch die Frage, wo die besseren Angebot zu Finden sind: Unterwegs, in Zeitungen, oder online im Internet.
Das Internet bietet den Vorteil, dass man konzentriert und gezielt nach infos Suchen kann.
Wenn sie jedoch Google Search nicht vollumfänglich verstehen und nutzen können, kommen Sie wohlmöglich zu kurz, und es entgehen Ihnen interessante Infos und Angebote.
Eine Vertrautheit in der Bedienung der Suchmaschinen ist deshalb von grossem Vorteil, wenn Sie anstatt der vielen veralteten Botschaft, auch ganz aktuelle "herausfischen" wollen.
Dafür gibt es am linken Rand Ihres Bildschirmes weitere Such-Optionen, die man nutzen sollte.
Zwar indexiert Google neue Inhalte und Seiten sehr schnell, nur dauert es sehr lange, bis diese allenfalls nach "Vorne" gefunden haben. Das zurückblättern, können Sie sich ersparen, wenn Sie nach den neuesten Nachrichten suchen, indem Sie diese Suche gezielt eingeben:
Method 1:
Google Search
-> Web
--> Everything
---> More search tools
----> Select from:
Past 24 hours
Past week
Method 2:
Google Search
-> Web
--> Blogs
---> More search tools
----> Select from:
Past 24 hours
Past week
Method 3:
Google Search
-> Web
--> Updates
---> More search tools
----> Select from:
Past 24 hours
Past week
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Share the URL and QR-Code
About Telpages
The .tel registry has published "Telpages", a searchable directory service of information stored in .tel domain names. People can search this for your company name, or for keywords and descriptive text listed in your .tel domain name. The information you store in your .tel domain is automatically used in the Telpages. Leading search engines like Google and Yahoo will index .tel names.
The keywords used in your .tel name can include hobbies, job title, occupation and this is indexed by "Telpages" along with your location. When people visit your .tel page, the links can generate an immediate contact. So, if someone clicks on a link to your email address, their machine will open an email program so the user can send you an email, if they click on a VOIP link a call will be initiated, and so on.
Search for .tel domains in the official .tel directory
TelPages search engine is developed specifically for navigating .tel pages and finding relevant contact information quickly and easily.
TelPages frequently indexes .tel domains focusing on the domain name, text headers, keywords and location. With TelPages, you can search for things or people, or limit your search to a specific geographical location with advanced search.
Search by type or location
There are many other situations where rather than finding one particular location shown on one .tel page, you want a choice of destinations; for example, when looking for a hotel or flower shop in the area around you.
For this type of search, use It will get your current location automatically, and search there – or read the Where field and search for all addresses and locations in that area with the radius specified below the map. Click “Clear location” if you want to search globally.
Filter: Showing only results containing Image, eMail, Phone, Internet Call, Fax or Instant Messenger
To get quality search results, we also recommend using the Filters, so that you can get well-populated .tel pages with phone numbers, images, IMs and email addresses.
How to share Telpages, respectively, Find a business or individual with a .tel domain: is a .tel Only Search Engine and mobile friendly web page: Share and scan it:
Click on a social media button, as well as, scan it's QR-Code to your cell phone. URL and QR-Code:
Share this .tel Only Search Engine and mobile-friendly Delivr URL of, with friends and fans.
Delivr has generated the QR Code for the mobile-friendly URL of, the .tel Only Search Engine: Distribute it where your audience can see and scan it.
It is easy to share via the Delivr website: Link:*
Tags: 2D Code Advertising, 2D Code Marketing, 2D Codes, Mobile, Mobile Advertising, Mobile Marketing, QR Code Advertising, QR Code Marketing, QR Codes
Friday, 10 December 2010
www.Triest.Tel ist das neue mobile online Stadtverzeichnis von Triest.
Warum sehen TEL-Seiten anders aus als andere Webseiten? Verwechseln Sie Tel nicht mit anderen Domains! Andere Top-Level-Domains führen zu einer Webseite, während TEL-Domains hingegen zu einer Identität führen.
Nicht zu vergleichen sind TEL-Domains mit teuren 0700-Rufnummern oder so genannten Vanity-Nummern u.a.! Stattdessen bieten TEL's eine neue Infrastruktur, die eine Schnittstelle zwischen Telefon und Internet realisiert.
TEL-Domains haben den Preis für Best Domain Name TV Commercial gewonnen und wurden außerdem für den World Technology Award nominiert.
Bei stetig ansteigender Verbreitung werden zukünftig weitere Preise folgen. Am 29.10.09 hat diese neue Technik den renommierten Technologiepreis Models of Excellence 2009 gewonnen. Am 12.11.09 wurde dieser Innovation darüber hinaus auch der United Kingdom IT Industry Award 2009 verliehen.
Diese Kommunikationsart wurde gerade erst realisiert; es stehen besonders zukünftig weitere Entwicklungen an. Genau wie bei herkömmlichen Domains entstehen im Laufe der Jahre immer weitere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten.
Es gibt kaum ein anderes Produkt, welches so viele andere Funktionalitäten übernehmen und kombinieren kann.
So können TEL-Domains Gelbe Seiten, Kontaktverwaltung, SEO, soziales Netzwerk, Open-IDs u. v. a. ersetzen.
Die Bereitstellung dieses Services verfolgt die gleichen Umsetzungsziele, die schon von Google realisiert wurden.In einem großen Marktumfeld soll durch Vereinfachung sowie Benutzerfreundlichkeit ein hoher Nutzen entstehen.
Warum Ihre Firma eine .tel-Domain kaufen sollte …:
Mit einer .tel-Domain können Sie eine vollständig interaktive Kommunikationszentrale anlegen, mit der Sie entscheiden, wie und wo Ihre Kunden Sie erreichen können.
Mit einer .tel-Domain für Ihre Firma sind Sie im ersten weltweiten Verzeichnis für Kontaktdaten eingetragen.
Leiten Sie Kunden gezielt an zuständige Abteilungen und Standorte weiter:
Mit Ihrer .tel-Domain für die Firma können Sie Kunden einfach an die geeignete Abteilung oder den nächsten Standort weiterleiten. Das Ganze funktioniert mit einer schnellen, intuitiven Navigationsstruktur.
Halten Sie Kontakt mit Ihren Kunden – mit jedem Gerät:
Mit einer .tel-Domain sorgen Sie dafür, dass Ihr Unternehmen oder Ihre Marke mit jedem Gerät mit Internetverbindung sofort erreichbar ist. Ihre Kunden geben einfach die .tel-Domain Ihrer Firma im Browser ein, wählen eine Form der Kontaktaufnahme und initiieren mit einem Klick die Kommunikation.
Praktisch erreichbar mit Mobilgeräten:
Die .tel-Domain Ihrer Firma ist für Mobilgeräte optimiert. Verwendet werden kleine, schnelle DNS-Abfragen, statt die gesamte Website oder den kompletten HTML-Content abzurufen. Dadurch kann Ihre Firma schnell und einfach mit allen Mobilgeräten gefunden werden.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Die Buffets in Triest entstanden vor über hundert Jahren zuerst in der Nähe des Hafens und aus einem daraus resultierenden Zweck: Die vielen Hafenarbeiter, deren harte Arbeit bereits mitten in der Nacht begonnen hatte, bereits am Vormittag zu stärken. Klar, dass das am besten mit deftigen Sachen ging. Und auch heute noch sollten Vegetarier einen großen Bogen um die über 50 Buffets in der Stadt machen: Denn sie bieten in erster Linie Würstel, Schinken, gekochtes und geselchtes Fleisch, ganz nach altösterreichischer Tradition, dazu einfachen, süffigen Wein und Bier vom Fass. Gegessen wird traditionell im Stehen – obwohl die meisten Buffets heute bereits mit Tischen ausgestattet sind. Buffets sind kommunikative Orte ohne Standes-Schranken, die von Arbeitern wie von Generaldirektoren gern besucht werden. Auch die Tischkultur ist unprätentiös – Papiertischtücher sind Standard.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Monday, 25 October 2010
Triest.Tel: A new mobile directory for German speaking Italy tourists
Why I made this directory in German language:
Because of the rich and important background history from the Austrian Habsburg empire (ca. 1250 until precisely 1918) who ruled the town, until Italy was allowed to take over the town.
Pros and cons of Triest:
--> very low criminal rate / no pick pockets / no violence in the streets
--> good food at restaurants
--> interesting housing market with lots of available and reasonable offers
--> promising economic situation: good outlook for the future
--> job offers
--> very mild and healthy climate
--> lots of sports activity options, just right there...
--> many fish markets and some good fish restaurants (sea food)
--> loads of reasonable pasta dishes at fast food places
--> lots of theaters, museums and cultural activities/events
--> fairly clean city
--> strict laws and high fines for air polluters, dog owners and motorists, who violate the rules
--> overall good quality of live, getting better, all the time
--> low tourism, compared with Venice and other Italien towns
--> good food and wine, everywhere
--> good and cheap public transportation
--> interesting and rich history of the city
--> lots of nice tea rooms (coffee) and bakeries
--> loads of stunning architecture/buildings, mainly historic palaces and art nouveau buildings
--> inhabitants helpful and reliable (punctual, etc.)
--> nearby Slovenia and Croatia, for trips and holidays
--> nice, for shopping, walking, or sitting in- or outside of cafe's
--> some nice communication with natives of the region (Italian language), at bus stops, for example, or the yearly sailing regatta, etc.
--> high cost for food at shops
--> weak economic situation at present
--> low income rate
--> many old inhabitants (30% over age 65) / highest number of old inhabitants town in Italy
--> a lot of traffic and dangerous drivers, who think that they own the road
--> not so friendly or cheerful people, compared with the rest of Italy (more Slovenia mentality)
--> most inhabitants neither speak English, nor German, but only Italian or Slovenian
--> not very bicycle friendly town and area: no bike sharing offers in the center, or nearby, and trains mainly don't transport bicycles. Better have your own folding bike...
Get your updated info about Triest, now! Right from the palm of your hand, via your smart phone (iPhone, for example)! Simply dial "", or scan the QR-Code, which you can find in the sub-folder "".
Link to Triest.Tel:
Find loads of stunning pictures/photographs and slide shows, etc.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
QR-Code usage for Dot Tel domains
QR-Code for ""
A quick refresher on QR codes for the uninitiated. QR codes are a very useful tool for pointing people to more information about your product.
You take a photo of the two-dimensional bar code with your phone and you are automatically taken to the web site that is embedded in the code.
This only works with smartphones such as the iPhone, BlackBerry or Droid phones, but these are the most popular phones these days.
Quick Response Codes (QR codes), are the easiest and fasted way to acces a mobile webpage, or mobile website, or a piece of information, on a smart phone (mobile phone with internet access).
For Dot Tel usage, the QR-codes, should be either displayed on a mobile site, or on a paper business card.
Or from all sorts of stickers, from T-shirts, through shop windows, from print media (magazine pages, adverts), etc., etc.
It is easy, to access and read/scan the codes, from smartphone to smartphone, and to read the info on the smartphone.
Get QR reader:
i-nigma reader
Kaywa reader
Glass reader
Generate QR-Code reader:
Kaywa QR-Code Generator
How to provide a QR-Code on your Dot Tel domain:
Create a separate folder (sub-domain) and upload the QR-Code within the logo space of the header.
Name the folder something like: "Get QR-Code for this domain".
Get QR-Code stickers:
Get QR-Code T-shirts:
Other ideas:
Where to print:
Offline .Tel name branding:
Create your business cards, online, with your .Tel name on it, at "goodprint".
Nice quality, and good service:
A dotTEL business card image can be saved for linkage from your website!
Print one off, read it on your cell phone, let it dial your number. QRCode Readers here.
Learn more about QR codes in this video. will print and ship unique QR Code .tel business cards.
Online form:
WikiWorldBook versus Dot Tel
A free address book listing in “The Global Address Book” enables users to store and manage all their contact information on their own search engine optimized web page without the need for their own website.
It also enables them to be found and contacted by email within three clicks of a Google search of their name – without them even having to reveal their contact details and without the person contacting them having to register. This is primarily achieved through a simple customizable “profile page” which can contain as little of the user’s contact details as their name, nationality and gender. Messages go directly to their regular email service, so they don’t have to return to the site to pick them up. This Visual Guide gives a detailed list of the address book’s easy to use features.
Alternatively, users may want to display their full range of contact details to provide the people looking for them with the means of contact that best suits them. All users’ address book pages are highly search engine optimized to ensure that they rank well in Google’s results on a search for the user’s name, including “vanity urls” that contain the user’s name.
Users can differentiate between their personal and work contact details and use the structured format to add photos, building addresses, telephone numbers, websites, IM & VOIP links, social media and social profile links and well as add their own biographies and interests. All the user’s email, IM and VOIP services are hyperlinked so they immediately launch the appropriate service on the visitor’s device with one click. Users can add their social links to drive traffic to their other web properties and increase their authority with the search engines.
The address book provides a compelling free alternative to Telnic’s dot tel (.tel) domains which are subject to an annual domain name charge. Examples of each company’s products can be compared here – a John Smith profile on WikiWorldBook and a dot tel Telnic domain. Whilst Telnic’s underlying technology is undoubtedly more superior – being hosted directly on the DNS (the backbone of the internet) rather than on a normal web server, which provides for more rapid page loading – users have a clear choice to make over paying an annual recurring charge indefinitely or getting a reliable service for free.
Users control all their own information as they can delete their address book listing and all their information in a matter of seconds from their own control panel. A full range of Privacy Controls gives the user complete control over individual entries, so that they can share their information with people that they choose. Users are indexed quickly by Google and generally appear in their search results within a few days, whilst a powerful proprietary spam filter ensures that spam is negligible or non-existent. Many users will find this innovative address book as the solution to managing their online identity.
The WikiWorldBook address book is truly global with users from over 150 countries already currently registered in its Global Address Book. Based on current visitor conversion rates, the company anticipates that its global target market is around 15 million registered users, which might rise as brand awareness increases.
Many users will also find the optional Search Alert useful. This can notify them by email when they have been Googled and provides them with the searcher’s geographical location and IP address. If the user has been Googled by a company or organization, then more often than not the company or organization can be fully identified by name – making it an invaluable tool for small business people and job seekers. If the searcher is a company or organization, rather than an individual, then more often than not they can be identified.
Without needing to build, host or manage their own website, users can:-
Join an online global address book that provides them with immediate worldwide exposure.
Be found and contacted by email within 3 clicks of a Google search of their name – without having to reveal their email address and without the person contacting them having to register themselves.
Provide a fast way for people to connect with them in a single click from any mobile device
Display all their means of communication in one place under their control.
Update and manage their contact information in real time.
Promote their own business and web properties online and increase their traffic, authority and search engine visibility.
Who does it appeal to?
Online address book services appeal to a broad spectrum of people –
People wanting to stay or get back in touch with old friends and family.
Professionals who want to be easily found and connected with clients.
Small business owners & entrepreneurs who want to promote themselves and their business.
Job seekers who want to control their online reputation and demonstrate their aptitude with the internet. The majority of Human Resources departments now carry out internet due diligence on prospective candidates.
People who are happy being listed in their national telephone directory.
People who are interested in genealogy or similar subjects who want to rapidly share knowledge and ideas online with people they do not know.
People who want to promote their own web presence.
WikiWorldBook is a private limited company. The service it offers is solely a low maintenance address book service and not a social network. Users are not subject to the usual deluge of social network notifications (like “request to connect” emails, update emails, spam or new applications) and the service restricts itself to a quarterly service email update.
(Source: )
WikiWorldBook is a project to create a free global address book through the participation of the world’s online community.
Anyone can use it to search & find people on the web with its open People Search facility which provides highly filtered results from different sources and the web itself.
Registered users can be found by old friends & colleagues, and be contacted without having to reveal their email address or without the person finding them having to become registered themselves. Registered users can also be alerted by email when they have been Googled, manage their online reputation and engage with other users in the forum and blogs.
Klick on image, to enlarge.
Dot Tel web pages are mobile phone friendly.
Get a free listing at the Global Address Book "WikiWorldBook", and promote, and link to your Dot Tel pages...
Link to WikiWorldBook.Tel:
WikiWorldBook, as well as Dot Tel, are both global online address books, if you will. Socialize, do business, and simply enjoy internet and mobile web technology...
Get easily found and contacted via Google, with either Dot Tel, or WikiWorldBook, or with both.
WikiWorldBook.Tel, may be just your WikiWorldBook landing web page..., so you might "grow" on it, and get to appreciate it, with time.
WikiWorldBook Ltd
287 – 291 Banbury Road
Oxford, OX2 7JQ, GBR
Service Provider:
Web Development
global-address-book, people-search, people-trace, web-profile
Saturday, 9 October 2010
How To: Creating an extra profile within a Dot Tel domain
How To: Creating an extra profile within a Dot Tel domain:
Your existing profile, is named „default“ profile.
And so, I will describe an extra set up profile, as „other“ profile, but you should name it according to its usage (city, ore holiday area, where you will be spending a few days or weeks).
How to set up a profile, and what you should know about:
Working within the control panel of the Dot Tel domain:
First, you go to your .Tel, and click on „Manage“, top right corner, which brings up your login panel. Then, you fill in your username and password, and the control panel of your .Tel will show up.
To create an extra profile, you go to the „Profiles“ section, right on the top, and select „Create new profile“, from the drop down menu.
You get promted with a pop up window, asking you „What would you like to call this profile?“: So, here, you can for example write the name of the place where you will be spending your holidays, or doing business, away from home, or where you will be attending a congress or event, away from home.
Select this profile, to be shown as the present profile. Then, click on „Activate“, within the same „Profiles“ section, which will then confirm, that your „other“ profile is activeated („Other“ (active)).
Now your .Tel control panel shows you a other profile panel, where you can add the new (other) contact information for your short stay away from home (and when you come back home, you can switch back to your „default“ profile, which will show the contact info of your .Tel, you entered into your control panel, for the very first time, when you started populating your .Tel.)
Now you can start populating your other profile, with other contact information. (Basically, you are able to create a few profiles on your .Tel domain, and where each profile shows you an other contact info card, or an other business card, but having the same .Tel domain name.)
You can add text information within your text header, and save it („The current profile has no text header set.“).
The bit of „nitty gritty work“, starts within the „Contact Information“ section:
Here, you must select all active contact information (tag them with a hook), and go to „Actions“, and „Coose an action“ within that drop down menu, which should be:
--> Profiles
----> Remove from profiles
so that they get masked and unvisible in your other profile and contact info section.
Now, you can start adding new contact info to your other profile, which is „this“ profile we are currently working on:
Go to the top right button „Add“ (Add record), which will bring up the familiar pop up window „Add new item“, where you can select any contact info from the drop down menu „Contact Information“, on the top left corner of this window. Add also „Descripton“ and „Value“, and save the newly added information, by clickin on the „Save“ button.
This will add your new contact info to your newly created profile. It is unmasked, within other masked contact info (the contact info of your other profile(s)).
The tricky bit, is comming now:
This newly added contact info is showing on all of your other existing profiles (default profile, and any other existing profile).
Please check this fact, by switchin to one of your other profiles for this domain (go to the profiles secton, and select any other existing profile, respectively, the „default“ profile): Here you can see, what I mean. But the contact info is masked, and so not disturbing or conflicting other profiles.
But if you do not need it on your other profiles, you should maybe delete it on those other profiles.
If you have, for example two other exisitng profiles („default“ and „other02“) than you will see the newly added contact info twice, and masked:
„Choose an action:“
--> Other
----> Delete
Do this every time you have added contact info to your newly created profile, which is in progress:
Switch back and fore, between all existing profiles, just to keep them the way the where, and without any other (masked) contact info, that only clutters up the contact information section of that specific profile.
Always go back to the (other) profile, you are currently working on: Adding contact information, but then again, removing it from the other existing profiles, at the same time.
Another tricky problem, is, that every newly created profile, is showing the same „Keywords section information“, as your default profile. However, it was/is not possible to „remove“ it, from the new profile. And please, be very careful, here: You should neither „Delete“, „Copy to“, or „Move to“ this info within the „Keywords“ section, because there is only „one keywords section for all profiles“, however, which is a bit awkward.
I have solved this problem, by storing and devided the keyword info within different subfolders, for example I named them „Contact“ and „Info“.
If you have multiple profiles on one and the same .Tel domain name, your Keyword section should remain empty, if you do not want to show the same Keywords on all profiles.
Again: Split your previous keyword info into portions, and put them into subfolders of your different profiles. Each profile will probably want other keyword informaion.
I think, populating keyword information witin sub-domains (=subfolders), do not conflict with other subfolders from other profiles: Only the keywords section of the main profile control panel would be conflicting with the other main control panels of the other existing profiles (for example, the „default“ profile).
Why the keywords section of the main control panel of a profile, is the same, for all other profile main control panels, I do not know: But it would be much easier to work on other profiles, if they would only relate to the profile, one is working at.
Again: By leaving the keywords section empty, for individual contact info, you can avoid, having keyword info on other profiles, that you do not want to show.
By the way: I just figured out, that you only have to delete added and masked contact info, which shows up on other profiles, on one profile, and it will dissapear from all other profiles, except the new profile you are working on (delete the masked contact info, on only one other existing profile).
However, you will soon understand, what I mean, and how to proceed, when you have tried to set up an extra profile on your Dot Tel domain. Switching back and fore, between profiles, is importand, during creating new profiles, as new contact info gets multiplied and masked on the other existing profiles, which you have to constantly delete (they are arleady quasi „removed“, because they show as masked info, but if not needed, you might as well delete them, if you may never want to add them to the profile, by unmasking them, as they only clutter up your contact information section, as masked and unused info).
Ok, I hope this helps you, when taking a go at creating a new profile within the same Dot Tel domain. Basically, all Dot Tel control panels are self explaining. But if not aware, you could make some silly mistakes, during creating new profiles. If not careful, you may mess up all your profiles, and it would be time consuming to reverse them to their previous state: Better know about the problems, and sort them out, while working on creating new profiles, and you still have the overview. Not later, when you do not know anymore, which contact or keyword info you wanted to show, and which info you dont wanted to show on the profiles of your Dot Tel domain.
Last, but not least: Very important:
Each selected profile that you want to show on your Dot Tel domain („Profiles“ section, on the top of your control panel), you must activate, so that it shows „profile name (active)“, in the „Profile“ drop down menu. Your Dot Tel domain, can only show the profile, which is currently activated, within the drop down menu. It will not show the selected profile, if it is not active („profile name (active)“).
To activate an other profile, you must select it, and then „Activate selected profile“, by clicking on „Activate“.
For renaming or deleting a profile, just either click on „Rename“, or „Delete“. But you cant delete an active profile: You would have to activate an other profile, and delete non-active profiles:
„Delete? Yes No“.
Otherwhise, populating subfolders, is the same familiar procedure, as usual. It is just the main profile display, that causes some problems, when creating multiple profiles on one .Tel domain.
Every active profile shows contact information of the other existing profiles as masked („removed“) information, on the control panel, within the „Contact Information“ section. That should not confuse you...
Default profiles, are active, by default, and do not show, that they are active. Whereas an other profile, if it is active, would show/signal „other profile (active)“, with „active“ set in brakets.
Log out of your control panel, and you should be done, with your Dot Tel domain name, showing the profile that corresponds to your present location, away from home, or your location at home, if you are back home.
Your existing profile, is named „default“ profile.
And so, I will describe an extra set up profile, as „other“ profile, but you should name it according to its usage (city, ore holiday area, where you will be spending a few days or weeks).
How to set up a profile, and what you should know about:
Working within the control panel of the Dot Tel domain:
First, you go to your .Tel, and click on „Manage“, top right corner, which brings up your login panel. Then, you fill in your username and password, and the control panel of your .Tel will show up.
To create an extra profile, you go to the „Profiles“ section, right on the top, and select „Create new profile“, from the drop down menu.
You get promted with a pop up window, asking you „What would you like to call this profile?“: So, here, you can for example write the name of the place where you will be spending your holidays, or doing business, away from home, or where you will be attending a congress or event, away from home.
Select this profile, to be shown as the present profile. Then, click on „Activate“, within the same „Profiles“ section, which will then confirm, that your „other“ profile is activeated („Other“ (active)).
Now your .Tel control panel shows you a other profile panel, where you can add the new (other) contact information for your short stay away from home (and when you come back home, you can switch back to your „default“ profile, which will show the contact info of your .Tel, you entered into your control panel, for the very first time, when you started populating your .Tel.)
Now you can start populating your other profile, with other contact information. (Basically, you are able to create a few profiles on your .Tel domain, and where each profile shows you an other contact info card, or an other business card, but having the same .Tel domain name.)
You can add text information within your text header, and save it („The current profile has no text header set.“).
The bit of „nitty gritty work“, starts within the „Contact Information“ section:
Here, you must select all active contact information (tag them with a hook), and go to „Actions“, and „Coose an action“ within that drop down menu, which should be:
--> Profiles
----> Remove from profiles
so that they get masked and unvisible in your other profile and contact info section.
Now, you can start adding new contact info to your other profile, which is „this“ profile we are currently working on:
Go to the top right button „Add“ (Add record), which will bring up the familiar pop up window „Add new item“, where you can select any contact info from the drop down menu „Contact Information“, on the top left corner of this window. Add also „Descripton“ and „Value“, and save the newly added information, by clickin on the „Save“ button.
This will add your new contact info to your newly created profile. It is unmasked, within other masked contact info (the contact info of your other profile(s)).
The tricky bit, is comming now:
This newly added contact info is showing on all of your other existing profiles (default profile, and any other existing profile).
Please check this fact, by switchin to one of your other profiles for this domain (go to the profiles secton, and select any other existing profile, respectively, the „default“ profile): Here you can see, what I mean. But the contact info is masked, and so not disturbing or conflicting other profiles.
But if you do not need it on your other profiles, you should maybe delete it on those other profiles.
If you have, for example two other exisitng profiles („default“ and „other02“) than you will see the newly added contact info twice, and masked:
„Choose an action:“
--> Other
----> Delete
Do this every time you have added contact info to your newly created profile, which is in progress:
Switch back and fore, between all existing profiles, just to keep them the way the where, and without any other (masked) contact info, that only clutters up the contact information section of that specific profile.
Always go back to the (other) profile, you are currently working on: Adding contact information, but then again, removing it from the other existing profiles, at the same time.
Another tricky problem, is, that every newly created profile, is showing the same „Keywords section information“, as your default profile. However, it was/is not possible to „remove“ it, from the new profile. And please, be very careful, here: You should neither „Delete“, „Copy to“, or „Move to“ this info within the „Keywords“ section, because there is only „one keywords section for all profiles“, however, which is a bit awkward.
I have solved this problem, by storing and devided the keyword info within different subfolders, for example I named them „Contact“ and „Info“.
If you have multiple profiles on one and the same .Tel domain name, your Keyword section should remain empty, if you do not want to show the same Keywords on all profiles.
Again: Split your previous keyword info into portions, and put them into subfolders of your different profiles. Each profile will probably want other keyword informaion.
I think, populating keyword information witin sub-domains (=subfolders), do not conflict with other subfolders from other profiles: Only the keywords section of the main profile control panel would be conflicting with the other main control panels of the other existing profiles (for example, the „default“ profile).
Why the keywords section of the main control panel of a profile, is the same, for all other profile main control panels, I do not know: But it would be much easier to work on other profiles, if they would only relate to the profile, one is working at.
Again: By leaving the keywords section empty, for individual contact info, you can avoid, having keyword info on other profiles, that you do not want to show.
By the way: I just figured out, that you only have to delete added and masked contact info, which shows up on other profiles, on one profile, and it will dissapear from all other profiles, except the new profile you are working on (delete the masked contact info, on only one other existing profile).
However, you will soon understand, what I mean, and how to proceed, when you have tried to set up an extra profile on your Dot Tel domain. Switching back and fore, between profiles, is importand, during creating new profiles, as new contact info gets multiplied and masked on the other existing profiles, which you have to constantly delete (they are arleady quasi „removed“, because they show as masked info, but if not needed, you might as well delete them, if you may never want to add them to the profile, by unmasking them, as they only clutter up your contact information section, as masked and unused info).
Ok, I hope this helps you, when taking a go at creating a new profile within the same Dot Tel domain. Basically, all Dot Tel control panels are self explaining. But if not aware, you could make some silly mistakes, during creating new profiles. If not careful, you may mess up all your profiles, and it would be time consuming to reverse them to their previous state: Better know about the problems, and sort them out, while working on creating new profiles, and you still have the overview. Not later, when you do not know anymore, which contact or keyword info you wanted to show, and which info you dont wanted to show on the profiles of your Dot Tel domain.
Last, but not least: Very important:
Each selected profile that you want to show on your Dot Tel domain („Profiles“ section, on the top of your control panel), you must activate, so that it shows „profile name (active)“, in the „Profile“ drop down menu. Your Dot Tel domain, can only show the profile, which is currently activated, within the drop down menu. It will not show the selected profile, if it is not active („profile name (active)“).
To activate an other profile, you must select it, and then „Activate selected profile“, by clicking on „Activate“.
For renaming or deleting a profile, just either click on „Rename“, or „Delete“. But you cant delete an active profile: You would have to activate an other profile, and delete non-active profiles:
„Delete? Yes No“.
Otherwhise, populating subfolders, is the same familiar procedure, as usual. It is just the main profile display, that causes some problems, when creating multiple profiles on one .Tel domain.
Every active profile shows contact information of the other existing profiles as masked („removed“) information, on the control panel, within the „Contact Information“ section. That should not confuse you...
Default profiles, are active, by default, and do not show, that they are active. Whereas an other profile, if it is active, would show/signal „other profile (active)“, with „active“ set in brakets.
Log out of your control panel, and you should be done, with your Dot Tel domain name, showing the profile that corresponds to your present location, away from home, or your location at home, if you are back home.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Telnic's endeavours within the directory industry
Telnic's endeavours within the directory industry
First of all:
The Dot Tel domain was not really made for directories in the first place, respectively, for .Tel to be mainly a directory, as its main purpose.
However, the biggest fans of .Tel, and the most active .Tel community members, all had created one or more directories, and which some of them, are quite impressing.
So, the .Tel directory got more popularity amongst the fans of .Tel, than the .Tel registry (Telnic) had ever dreamt of.
Soon after the first .Tel directoies had been created, a few of them allready reached the limit of 1000 subfolders, so that the limitation was expanded to 3000 subfolders.
But they sufferd due to poor looks and design, at first, but which had been improoven in the meantime. Probably still lacking some more design features, but then again, these had been already announced in the .tel Roadmap. This sounds promissing, and so, as long as there are constant improvements going on, the .tel directories will get more and more interesting, and better to navigate.
Another very important thing, from which the .tel directories will surely benefit from, is the fact, that the new markting director previously worked for „“, and brings quasi the best experience and knowledge about online directories.
So, what we see here, is very strong support for the development of Dot Tel directories, strenghtening and supporting it, for the long term future.
Not only is the new marketing director present, but he is also very active, attending all sorts of congresses and events around the directory publishing business, to make .Tel directories to become better directories.
The focus here, is is clearly, on designing and managing online (mobile phone) directories, and where advertising plays a very important role.
In this respect, the .Tel holder/owner, is also a advertiser, respectively, a online advertiser, generating more business, through advertising.
It is clear, that this advertiser needs all sorts of help from the .Tel registry, as well as tools that help online advertising.
An interesting question is:
What can you learn from attending an EADP Congress (European Association of Directory Publishers)?:
Lets take a closer look:
Firstly, mind you: All these talks around directories, are strongly focused on the „yellow pages system“, which in contrast to .Tel, bring earnings to the provider of the yellow pages directory.
With .Tel, it is a whole different story, as there is not just one owner or provider, but thousands of individual directory owners, hoping to get some tidy revenue, sooner or later...
Call it: Digital revenues for .Tel holders.
Be aware, that you, as a .tel directory developer/creator and owner/holder, is working within newer categories, such as reputation management, SEO, social and mobile.
Nota Bene:
Digital trends highlighted in the forecast include:
· U.S. – Digital revenues in the United States will grow at a 17.2 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) as the result of publishers selling a wider array of digital products. BIA/Kelsey expects strong growth from some of the more established digital offerings, including Web sites, SEM and video. Growth will be even more robust in newer categories such as reputation management, SEO, social and mobile.
· Europe – Digital revenues will surpass print revenues across Europe by 2014, and even sooner in several markets, including Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belgium and France.
Ok: So you do understand, that with the field of online directories and digital revenus, there will be a lot happening, between now (2011) and 2014, which is about a three year time frame.
Now, if Digital revenues will even surpass print revenues, than I must not explain, that there is a lot of earning potential in any sort of online directory, including the Dot Tel domain (directory).
You probably can mostly learn, from what is going on, about online yellow pages, and go from there, making your .Tel directory look good and to be profitable.
Looking at all this future potential, it seems to be very clear, that the Dot Tel directory was completly underestimated, up and till now, by anyone, who either just heard about it, or who had also been creating such directories. I believe, it is somewhat hard, to invest time and passion in creating a directory, having no big clue, where those endeavours will eventually lead to.
It was quasi only the believe in .tel directories, to become some day, something bigger and more important, and more used by the masses.
Following all the talk about yellow pages, gives you the impression that it is a science, for its own.
Again: We are talking about the global development of the directories market, and especially about Dot Tel directories within this market. And furthermore, it is about publishers and suppliers of products and services for the publishing industry, that is going more and more online.
The word "directory" no longer covers the broad and complex range of services (including printed and vocal resources, web agency and mobile services) that companies are now offering.
If you are serious and ambitious about promoting .Tel directoies, than they will clearly become highly competitive against directoies, such as „yellow and white pages“.
The Yellow and White pages are established directories backed up by a lot of know how, experience, and last but not least, a big community of financially strong businesses, working with these directories, making their profits, and constantly educating themselfs about futur trends and the best strategies to proceed, to becoming more successful, or to outperform competitors.
You must also know, that other people within the directory business, are working day and night, because the directory business is a 200% job, if not more. At least this is my impression.
That is why Telnic and all .Tel directory owners, need to catch up and update themselfs about the present situation within the directory publishing business. And also, if Telnic wants to become a principal player withing the directory publishing business.
A Dot Tel directory gives you the opportunity to search for suppliers of goods and services, and it allows businesses, worldwide, to promote themselves to potential customers in other countries cheaply and easily. But this also applies to local online directories.
About the use of scannable barcodes in advertising (within directories):
Online Media Daily writes about the use of scannable barcodes in advertising, which when scanned by a camera phone can provide extra information on products or companies. Barcode technology provider ScanBuy claims that there were more barcode scans performed in a single month starting in July than in all of 2009. Scanning via the company's barcode system has increased 700% from the start of 2010. ScanBuy found both 1D and 2D codes are being scanned about equally, "showing people are less concerned with code format, and more interested in getting information quickly," according to the company. Linking to a Web site was by far the most common type of action encouraged by a 2D code, with 85% driving traffic to a URL. Among traditional 1D, or UPC, codes, health and beauty products were the most popular category, making up 21% of scans, followed by groceries (14.4%), books (12.6%), and kitchen items (9.2%). ScanBuy said people are also actually making purchases through mobile devices, with books and electronics showing among the highest conversion rates. (Source: Online Media Daily)
About social media on mobile phones:
Dot Tel domains enable easier access to Facebook on mobile phones: This is exactly, what Facebook wants to happen on mobile phones, so that it can keep up its dizzying growth.
By adding a Facebook link to your online contact info- or business card, you can be sure, that users will be also looking up Dot Tel domains, to find Facebook pages. The Facebook link on a .Tel, is probable one of the easiest ways to find a Facebook page. Soon .Tel and Facebook, and vis versa, will be assosiated together, and not only Google with Facebook.
About Google and advertising:
For all of Google’s success, its business has been built on search ads, with display ads which include images, video and audio getting far less attention, even though those ads appear on You Tube and the million Web sites using Google’s display ad network.
Just another thing:
The Dot Tel domain makes it so much easier to contact local merchants directly from a mobile website, because the Dot Tel contact information is right at the palm of your hand, and you do not have to search for it, within a cluttered up heavy website.
Taking this in account, advertising on .Tel's become more attractive, than advetising on big websites (from which most of them are not mobile websites).
Location based Web services are no longer a hard sell, because you can offer them via a Dot Tel domain, where they can be viewed on the go. That means, that if you are somewhere with your smart phone, you can figure out, where to find the local services and products. No need to go to the next internet cafe...
Dot Tel directories, will get interesting for advertisers, including categories covering popular businesses and services such as beauty salons, driving schools, florists, hairdressers, pubs, restaurants and takeaways.
Advertising across the Facebook platform, as well, and linking Facebook to your .Tel, which has adverts, too, will sure make you be found, as a small local business.
Data on mobile phones, will be more important than voice, which is another reason, why the Dot Tel domain should not be abandoned, but payed a lot of attention and care to.
Neither are you a heavy users of mobile data, if you often use .Tel, because .Tel is light weight data on mobile pages. Often using .Tel, is economic and cost efficient.
After all, I have talked about, here, it seems to me, that online directories, is a lot about advertising, as well. Which means, that online directory owners, will be the ones, making most digital revenues on mobile phones, such as iPhones, or on other mobile devices, such as iPads.
The Dot Tel domain, is one of the latest innovations for the directory and database industry.
First of all:
The Dot Tel domain was not really made for directories in the first place, respectively, for .Tel to be mainly a directory, as its main purpose.
However, the biggest fans of .Tel, and the most active .Tel community members, all had created one or more directories, and which some of them, are quite impressing.
So, the .Tel directory got more popularity amongst the fans of .Tel, than the .Tel registry (Telnic) had ever dreamt of.
Soon after the first .Tel directoies had been created, a few of them allready reached the limit of 1000 subfolders, so that the limitation was expanded to 3000 subfolders.
But they sufferd due to poor looks and design, at first, but which had been improoven in the meantime. Probably still lacking some more design features, but then again, these had been already announced in the .tel Roadmap. This sounds promissing, and so, as long as there are constant improvements going on, the .tel directories will get more and more interesting, and better to navigate.
Another very important thing, from which the .tel directories will surely benefit from, is the fact, that the new markting director previously worked for „“, and brings quasi the best experience and knowledge about online directories.
So, what we see here, is very strong support for the development of Dot Tel directories, strenghtening and supporting it, for the long term future.
Not only is the new marketing director present, but he is also very active, attending all sorts of congresses and events around the directory publishing business, to make .Tel directories to become better directories.
The focus here, is is clearly, on designing and managing online (mobile phone) directories, and where advertising plays a very important role.
In this respect, the .Tel holder/owner, is also a advertiser, respectively, a online advertiser, generating more business, through advertising.
It is clear, that this advertiser needs all sorts of help from the .Tel registry, as well as tools that help online advertising.
An interesting question is:
What can you learn from attending an EADP Congress (European Association of Directory Publishers)?:
Lets take a closer look:
Firstly, mind you: All these talks around directories, are strongly focused on the „yellow pages system“, which in contrast to .Tel, bring earnings to the provider of the yellow pages directory.
With .Tel, it is a whole different story, as there is not just one owner or provider, but thousands of individual directory owners, hoping to get some tidy revenue, sooner or later...
Call it: Digital revenues for .Tel holders.
Be aware, that you, as a .tel directory developer/creator and owner/holder, is working within newer categories, such as reputation management, SEO, social and mobile.
Nota Bene:
Digital trends highlighted in the forecast include:
· U.S. – Digital revenues in the United States will grow at a 17.2 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) as the result of publishers selling a wider array of digital products. BIA/Kelsey expects strong growth from some of the more established digital offerings, including Web sites, SEM and video. Growth will be even more robust in newer categories such as reputation management, SEO, social and mobile.
· Europe – Digital revenues will surpass print revenues across Europe by 2014, and even sooner in several markets, including Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belgium and France.
Ok: So you do understand, that with the field of online directories and digital revenus, there will be a lot happening, between now (2011) and 2014, which is about a three year time frame.
Now, if Digital revenues will even surpass print revenues, than I must not explain, that there is a lot of earning potential in any sort of online directory, including the Dot Tel domain (directory).
You probably can mostly learn, from what is going on, about online yellow pages, and go from there, making your .Tel directory look good and to be profitable.
Looking at all this future potential, it seems to be very clear, that the Dot Tel directory was completly underestimated, up and till now, by anyone, who either just heard about it, or who had also been creating such directories. I believe, it is somewhat hard, to invest time and passion in creating a directory, having no big clue, where those endeavours will eventually lead to.
It was quasi only the believe in .tel directories, to become some day, something bigger and more important, and more used by the masses.
Following all the talk about yellow pages, gives you the impression that it is a science, for its own.
Again: We are talking about the global development of the directories market, and especially about Dot Tel directories within this market. And furthermore, it is about publishers and suppliers of products and services for the publishing industry, that is going more and more online.
The word "directory" no longer covers the broad and complex range of services (including printed and vocal resources, web agency and mobile services) that companies are now offering.
If you are serious and ambitious about promoting .Tel directoies, than they will clearly become highly competitive against directoies, such as „yellow and white pages“.
The Yellow and White pages are established directories backed up by a lot of know how, experience, and last but not least, a big community of financially strong businesses, working with these directories, making their profits, and constantly educating themselfs about futur trends and the best strategies to proceed, to becoming more successful, or to outperform competitors.
You must also know, that other people within the directory business, are working day and night, because the directory business is a 200% job, if not more. At least this is my impression.
That is why Telnic and all .Tel directory owners, need to catch up and update themselfs about the present situation within the directory publishing business. And also, if Telnic wants to become a principal player withing the directory publishing business.
A Dot Tel directory gives you the opportunity to search for suppliers of goods and services, and it allows businesses, worldwide, to promote themselves to potential customers in other countries cheaply and easily. But this also applies to local online directories.
About the use of scannable barcodes in advertising (within directories):
Online Media Daily writes about the use of scannable barcodes in advertising, which when scanned by a camera phone can provide extra information on products or companies. Barcode technology provider ScanBuy claims that there were more barcode scans performed in a single month starting in July than in all of 2009. Scanning via the company's barcode system has increased 700% from the start of 2010. ScanBuy found both 1D and 2D codes are being scanned about equally, "showing people are less concerned with code format, and more interested in getting information quickly," according to the company. Linking to a Web site was by far the most common type of action encouraged by a 2D code, with 85% driving traffic to a URL. Among traditional 1D, or UPC, codes, health and beauty products were the most popular category, making up 21% of scans, followed by groceries (14.4%), books (12.6%), and kitchen items (9.2%). ScanBuy said people are also actually making purchases through mobile devices, with books and electronics showing among the highest conversion rates. (Source: Online Media Daily)
About social media on mobile phones:
Dot Tel domains enable easier access to Facebook on mobile phones: This is exactly, what Facebook wants to happen on mobile phones, so that it can keep up its dizzying growth.
By adding a Facebook link to your online contact info- or business card, you can be sure, that users will be also looking up Dot Tel domains, to find Facebook pages. The Facebook link on a .Tel, is probable one of the easiest ways to find a Facebook page. Soon .Tel and Facebook, and vis versa, will be assosiated together, and not only Google with Facebook.
About Google and advertising:
For all of Google’s success, its business has been built on search ads, with display ads which include images, video and audio getting far less attention, even though those ads appear on You Tube and the million Web sites using Google’s display ad network.
Just another thing:
The Dot Tel domain makes it so much easier to contact local merchants directly from a mobile website, because the Dot Tel contact information is right at the palm of your hand, and you do not have to search for it, within a cluttered up heavy website.
Taking this in account, advertising on .Tel's become more attractive, than advetising on big websites (from which most of them are not mobile websites).
Location based Web services are no longer a hard sell, because you can offer them via a Dot Tel domain, where they can be viewed on the go. That means, that if you are somewhere with your smart phone, you can figure out, where to find the local services and products. No need to go to the next internet cafe...
Dot Tel directories, will get interesting for advertisers, including categories covering popular businesses and services such as beauty salons, driving schools, florists, hairdressers, pubs, restaurants and takeaways.
Advertising across the Facebook platform, as well, and linking Facebook to your .Tel, which has adverts, too, will sure make you be found, as a small local business.
Data on mobile phones, will be more important than voice, which is another reason, why the Dot Tel domain should not be abandoned, but payed a lot of attention and care to.
Neither are you a heavy users of mobile data, if you often use .Tel, because .Tel is light weight data on mobile pages. Often using .Tel, is economic and cost efficient.
After all, I have talked about, here, it seems to me, that online directories, is a lot about advertising, as well. Which means, that online directory owners, will be the ones, making most digital revenues on mobile phones, such as iPhones, or on other mobile devices, such as iPads.
The Dot Tel domain, is one of the latest innovations for the directory and database industry.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Dot Tel Superbook for iPhone
The Superbook application allows you to quickly and easily navigate .tel data and add .tel domains to your address book.
Superbook extends capabilities of your iPod Touch or iPhone 3.0 or later to read and use your contacts' .tel domains. Look up any public .tel domains instantly to access your friends' latest contact information, keywords and location maps.
Superbook Application
Key Point Description
Full name Superbook iPhone® Application
Current release 1.2.0
Purpose Standalone application for speedily looking up .tel domains and using touch-to-communicate to get connected.
Key features - View and navigate all publicly available .tel information quickly and with minimal data connectivity
- Touch-to-communicate for all supported contact types
- View locations of your friends with an embedded map
Supported languages English only
Supported OS / Device iPhone OS 2.0 and higher
Programming Requires Mac OS X® 10.5, XCode 3.1 and the iPhone SDK 2.0; written in Objective-C and C
Download 900KB
Source code Available via SVN checkout, see Repository Browser.
Install procedure Download and install from the Apple App Store.
Uninstall procedure Standard
Configuration No additional configuration needed.
Known Limitations - Private information not supported.
Monday, 20 September 2010
Telnic's beta version of is online
Telnic's beta version of is online:
Despite all the disagreements, problems, failures and scandals in the domestic market, Telnic has created a website (beta status) for the Chinese market:
Link to /. Tel Beta:
. TEL 的 商务 应用 website in the news:
Telnic's Beta-Version von ist online:
Trotz allen Unstimmigkeiten, Problemen, Misserfolgen und Skandalen auf dem heimischen Markt, hat Telnic eine Webseite (Beta Status) für den chinesischen Markt gestaltet:
Link zu / .Tel Beta::
.TEL的商务应用 Webseite in den Medien:
作为.tel 域名的注册运营商,Telnic 通过 ICANN 认证的注册商及其分销商网络独家分配.tel域名。
如果您希望成为.tel 的注册商,分销.tel网络名片,请在此填写申请表格。同时,您也可以找到经 Telchina认证的.tel 注册商列表。
作为.tel注册商,在营销活动中,您可以从Telnic 的推广和培训资源中受益。如果您有任何疑问或想拥有合作营销的机会,请通过registrar-team@telchina.org与我们联系。
- COO:
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- 市场总监
- 注册商总监
- 技术总监
- 产品总监
- 客服高级经理
欧洲最具创新产品登陆中国 Tel区引爆沟通新趋势
中国北京——2010年9月6日——创新的互联网服务提供商Tel 中国(今日宣布,在全球备受赞誉的.tel产品正式进入中国市场,中国广大个人及企业用户可以立刻构建自己的个性化特区,轻松享受便捷沟通和社交网络管理的新方式。
.tel 由Telnic公司负责注册运营,在2009年初开始商用以来,屡获各项创新大奖,包括“欧洲e-Excellence大奖”、“英国IT行业大奖”、 “世界技术大奖”等。Tel中国将.tel引入中国,在保持原有产品优势的同时,针对中国用户进行了多项改进,以Tel区的产品名称来服务中国用户。
“Tel 区提供了一种最为快速、简单,且性价比最高的信息传播和沟通方式。”Telnic公司首席执行官Khashayar Mahdavi先生表示:“在如今互联网日益发达的环境下,无论你是商务人士还是中小企业主,能让别人随时随地找到你变得日益重要。Tel区将联系方式和社交网络集成在用户名字的网址下,能够随时随地更新和管理,可以被包括手机在内的任何终端访问,在国外一经推出便得到了广大用户的高度认可。”
Tel 中国首席执行官王晓菁女士表示:“我们很高兴在中国全面运营和推广.Tel,将这种世界上最创新、最先进的互联网沟通方式带给中国用户。中国的手机用户已经超过8亿,互联网用户也高达4.2亿,不断增加的通讯方式,日益复杂的社交网络,使得用户对于信息整合和社交圈管理的需求日益迫切,Tel区致力于帮助用户构建网上信息和生活管理平台,从而为用户的生活和工作带来无限便利和极大价值。”
为了充分满足中国用户的需求,Tel 区已经开通个性皮肤等诸多个性化功能,更多特色功能将在未来逐步添加。现在,无论是个人还是企业用户,可以立即登录Tel中国的官方网站(或者通过Tel中国授权的代理商获得自己的Tel区。欲知更多有关Tel区的信息,请通过如下方式访问:
电 话:010-85997136-606
电 话:010-85079448
5 Responses to “Innovation and .tel in China”
Mike Seaton says:
September 17, 2010 at 1:37 pm
That’s good news Justin – just the sort of high-profile boost that Dot Tel needs. Have tweeted about it to my followers.
Chris Vanderhorst says:
September 17, 2010 at 2:19 pm
Telnic is obviously in it for the long term. Continued acceptance globally while advancing internally is key. Absolutely fantastic news !
marco flaviani says:
September 17, 2010 at 2:55 pm
great news .tel wil be the future for movile e computers congratulations !
Russell Harper says:
September 17, 2010 at 8:53 pm
Glad to see .Tel is starting to get global recognition and support, especially from the likes of China. Looking forward to seeing future developments as they unfold….
Cees says:
September 18, 2010 at 9:47 pm
Nice positive news, I’ve celebrated by purchasing another China centric name, with a few more in mind.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Telnic and Dot Tel
The UK domain registry Telnic is deeply in a crisis, and within the gray area between good business practices and econmic crime.
The Telnic Management (Dot-Tel-domain) appears to have only speculated on short-term profits, and is prepared to only watch the fate of their company, without taking any appropiate action. For years, the strategy was, to do only the most minimal effort: Small input, hoping for a big output. So, almost no investment or expenditure.
Far more serious, however, was, and is the Internet domain registrar
This company is most likely eligible for a takeover of the company Telnic. It was also the company, which produced the famous promotional video "Love Train". Telnic was not trying to ensure the accuracy of false laurels, and let himself virtually be decorated with "false feathers". It was always said, that the video was produced by Telnic, which simply is not true.
The Telnic knit pattern of its business does not look much different than from Raiders, and therefore falls into the same category of the gray range, close to economic crime.
In mid-June, was the deputy director Fabien Chalandon Telnic dismissed against a bail of 75,000 € from prison. Accused for fraud and breach of the existing statutory law in the gambling business.
Fabien Chalandon:
Telnic Assistant Director, tricky and dubious adviser to a number of renowned companies.
Was recently for two weeks in detention, in a Parisian prison, and was released on free foot, after paying a hefty bail of 75,000 €. Mr Chalandon is still under the supervision of the court and other competent authorities. Is this how the face of a "White Collar Criminal" looks like?
The duo Fabien Chalandon / Khashayar Mahdavi, have a strong alliance: both families (Chalandon-Mahdavi) are married with each other. And both together previously owned another company, before forming the Telnic. So you see how thick the "felt" is ...
Time for Telnic (or an acquisition company) to make clean, and the first time, to seriously worry about the business and the laid-down customers.
The hull in silence, the Registry, its chronic passivity, and the withdrawal of a substantial fraction of the dot-tel community, do not seem to point to anything good.
Minimalism ends at Twitter ... before all activity ceases altogether to.
And a forceps delivery to be stillborn (Dot-Tel-domain with a retro look).
Even so, the. Tel is not dead yet, and will survive all indebted wohlmöglich crises, and live on. And ultimately serve their intended purposes: Namely a cheap and simple communication aid for the community, and for everyone. The "Volkswagen" of mobile communication.
VW had also survived the war, and was it wasn't until after the war, to become the "car for the people", as long before propagated.
Firstly comes disaster and chaos, because some people sense opportunity to make a quick profit ..., and hinder a good product to make fast progress.
The monitary system is at first destructive to a great extent, until it is good, and can perhaps serve for a good purpose.
The tactics of Telnic, are to conceal, to hide, withdraw, and when asked for a statement, to not answer, and to avoid confrontations.
The censorship is already done by Telnic Forum Moderator, who withholds information from the other forum visitors.
Telnic had always responded to issues clumsily. Not alt all professional. A company that acts so often amateurish, has a serious problem. And the recruitment of a new marketing director, who hasn't said a word, till now, probalbly won't be able to compensate for all the failures that Telnic produced up and till now.
Like all big businesse, Telnic thinks, that they are too big to fail...
Instead of beeing straight foreward, and informing the public about the state of things, the continue to just constantly patronize, controlle, deceive, ignore and censor it's community members.
The Dot-Tel retro look, and the business practices of the Telnic, remind me of the old Soviet era, and have nothing to do with contemporary design, or management.
Knowing well, Telnics pace and work atitude, I doubt, they can easily catch up the deficits, as well as with the competitors. If you will: Telnic is somehow stuck, and unteachable.
Telnic seems to have no one who has the right experience in running a company: it consists entirely of directors, of which some, mere beneficiaries are, and nothing to contribute to the company.
It is now clear to me, why so many former dot-Tel-holders refused to renew their domains.
I, for my part, should now let loose, and just watch what is going on, with the dot-tel domain, and with the .Tel registry.
The Telnic Management (Dot-Tel-domain) appears to have only speculated on short-term profits, and is prepared to only watch the fate of their company, without taking any appropiate action. For years, the strategy was, to do only the most minimal effort: Small input, hoping for a big output. So, almost no investment or expenditure.
Far more serious, however, was, and is the Internet domain registrar
This company is most likely eligible for a takeover of the company Telnic. It was also the company, which produced the famous promotional video "Love Train". Telnic was not trying to ensure the accuracy of false laurels, and let himself virtually be decorated with "false feathers". It was always said, that the video was produced by Telnic, which simply is not true.
The Telnic knit pattern of its business does not look much different than from Raiders, and therefore falls into the same category of the gray range, close to economic crime.
In mid-June, was the deputy director Fabien Chalandon Telnic dismissed against a bail of 75,000 € from prison. Accused for fraud and breach of the existing statutory law in the gambling business.
Fabien Chalandon:
Telnic Assistant Director, tricky and dubious adviser to a number of renowned companies.
Was recently for two weeks in detention, in a Parisian prison, and was released on free foot, after paying a hefty bail of 75,000 €. Mr Chalandon is still under the supervision of the court and other competent authorities. Is this how the face of a "White Collar Criminal" looks like?
The duo Fabien Chalandon / Khashayar Mahdavi, have a strong alliance: both families (Chalandon-Mahdavi) are married with each other. And both together previously owned another company, before forming the Telnic. So you see how thick the "felt" is ...
Time for Telnic (or an acquisition company) to make clean, and the first time, to seriously worry about the business and the laid-down customers.
The hull in silence, the Registry, its chronic passivity, and the withdrawal of a substantial fraction of the dot-tel community, do not seem to point to anything good.
Minimalism ends at Twitter ... before all activity ceases altogether to.
And a forceps delivery to be stillborn (Dot-Tel-domain with a retro look).
Even so, the. Tel is not dead yet, and will survive all indebted wohlmöglich crises, and live on. And ultimately serve their intended purposes: Namely a cheap and simple communication aid for the community, and for everyone. The "Volkswagen" of mobile communication.
VW had also survived the war, and was it wasn't until after the war, to become the "car for the people", as long before propagated.
Firstly comes disaster and chaos, because some people sense opportunity to make a quick profit ..., and hinder a good product to make fast progress.
The monitary system is at first destructive to a great extent, until it is good, and can perhaps serve for a good purpose.
The tactics of Telnic, are to conceal, to hide, withdraw, and when asked for a statement, to not answer, and to avoid confrontations.
The censorship is already done by Telnic Forum Moderator, who withholds information from the other forum visitors.
Telnic had always responded to issues clumsily. Not alt all professional. A company that acts so often amateurish, has a serious problem. And the recruitment of a new marketing director, who hasn't said a word, till now, probalbly won't be able to compensate for all the failures that Telnic produced up and till now.
Like all big businesse, Telnic thinks, that they are too big to fail...
Instead of beeing straight foreward, and informing the public about the state of things, the continue to just constantly patronize, controlle, deceive, ignore and censor it's community members.
The Dot-Tel retro look, and the business practices of the Telnic, remind me of the old Soviet era, and have nothing to do with contemporary design, or management.
Knowing well, Telnics pace and work atitude, I doubt, they can easily catch up the deficits, as well as with the competitors. If you will: Telnic is somehow stuck, and unteachable.
Telnic seems to have no one who has the right experience in running a company: it consists entirely of directors, of which some, mere beneficiaries are, and nothing to contribute to the company.
It is now clear to me, why so many former dot-Tel-holders refused to renew their domains.
I, for my part, should now let loose, and just watch what is going on, with the dot-tel domain, and with the .Tel registry.
Telnic Crisis / 2
The subject, respectively, the contents of my last comment was posted in the official Telnic forum, and Telnic consulted. The gesture was night. This morning, I see that the Tread, the two post had been deleted kurzerhanbd.
So, I think, is absolutely not the solution, if you evade, and even deletes threads, which simply ask for an opinion.
Deleted from this thread, have at least 20 forum attendees note.
You remember perhaps the Domainauktionator "SnapNames, who was involved in a fraud scandal, because of insider trading: He just joined the flight to the front, made comments, all informed, and bar compensation payments. And instead of that the company had to close because of the scandal, they could further transactions, and exists even today.
The Taktikt of Telnic is easy to conceal, to hide, withdraw, and asked for comments, and avoid confrontations.
It takes me wonder whether something can all go well, or whether such behavior and reaction, not even once be a step toward the abyss.
It was by the same thread that one poster said, that he was of the opinion that know a lot of dot-Tel prospects that occurred at Telnic some problem cases, but that well-known companies like Microsoft or Apple, etc., already had their problems, and that that just ebem occur. Nevertheless, he would be happy if the Telnic could take my speech position.
But, as I said, responding Telnic single axle with deletion of new threads, which include "sensitive" questions. In real case, so such a discussion would go to senior management so that they can take note of it. Instead, the censorship is already done by Telnic Forum Moderator, and withheld information to the other forum visitors. Well, yes: There are not many forums more visitors, in Telnic forum: Typically, 0-3 members, and about 5 or 6 guests.
Also the way in which Telnic respond to requests for comment, is not a good sign. This company has grown to be publicly purchased during the entire time since the Tel-domain, expressed behave clumsily. Everything else, as a professional. A company that is going on in each case such amateurish, has a serious problem. And can the recruitment of a new marketing director, who has neither "pip pap has said" do not change, too.
Shame for Telnic, which is to be regretted. Telnic, is a troubled company that makes most everything wrong. And not in a position to stop the sinking of their ship, as the "leak" is relatively small. The Titanic is therefore set, all because they considered unsikbar. Error. Ships are not unsinkable. And every company is highly susceptible to disasters when they do not properly respond to serious problems.
Telnic is, so to survive under the existing management, not simply.
As it would have tremendous change much, and inform the public what is going on. Nowadays, one can only survive with transparency and transactions.
Whether customers or shareholders: It informs his powers on the state of things, and do not just constantly patronized, controlled, deceived, ignored and will censor.
The Dot-Tel retro look, and the business practices of the Telnic remember, even the old Soviet era, and have nothing to do with contemporary design, or management.
I'm afraid I only Telnic the pace of the best know of the deficit and the lack, is hard to catch up and change are.
In many of her views, I showed Telnic previously unteachable what As for criticism or proposed amendments or changes. If you like: Something stuck and unteachable.
Telnic seems to have no one who has the right experience in running a company: it consists entirely of directors, of which some, mere beneficiaries are, and nothing to contribute to the company.
It is now clear to me why so many are former dot-Tel-holders refused to renew their domains.
I, for my part, should now let loose, and just watch what so running with the dot-tel domain, and with iher Registry ".
So, I think, is absolutely not the solution, if you evade, and even deletes threads, which simply ask for an opinion.
Deleted from this thread, have at least 20 forum attendees note.
You remember perhaps the Domainauktionator "SnapNames, who was involved in a fraud scandal, because of insider trading: He just joined the flight to the front, made comments, all informed, and bar compensation payments. And instead of that the company had to close because of the scandal, they could further transactions, and exists even today.
The Taktikt of Telnic is easy to conceal, to hide, withdraw, and asked for comments, and avoid confrontations.
It takes me wonder whether something can all go well, or whether such behavior and reaction, not even once be a step toward the abyss.
It was by the same thread that one poster said, that he was of the opinion that know a lot of dot-Tel prospects that occurred at Telnic some problem cases, but that well-known companies like Microsoft or Apple, etc., already had their problems, and that that just ebem occur. Nevertheless, he would be happy if the Telnic could take my speech position.
But, as I said, responding Telnic single axle with deletion of new threads, which include "sensitive" questions. In real case, so such a discussion would go to senior management so that they can take note of it. Instead, the censorship is already done by Telnic Forum Moderator, and withheld information to the other forum visitors. Well, yes: There are not many forums more visitors, in Telnic forum: Typically, 0-3 members, and about 5 or 6 guests.
Also the way in which Telnic respond to requests for comment, is not a good sign. This company has grown to be publicly purchased during the entire time since the Tel-domain, expressed behave clumsily. Everything else, as a professional. A company that is going on in each case such amateurish, has a serious problem. And can the recruitment of a new marketing director, who has neither "pip pap has said" do not change, too.
Shame for Telnic, which is to be regretted. Telnic, is a troubled company that makes most everything wrong. And not in a position to stop the sinking of their ship, as the "leak" is relatively small. The Titanic is therefore set, all because they considered unsikbar. Error. Ships are not unsinkable. And every company is highly susceptible to disasters when they do not properly respond to serious problems.
Telnic is, so to survive under the existing management, not simply.
As it would have tremendous change much, and inform the public what is going on. Nowadays, one can only survive with transparency and transactions.
Whether customers or shareholders: It informs his powers on the state of things, and do not just constantly patronized, controlled, deceived, ignored and will censor.
The Dot-Tel retro look, and the business practices of the Telnic remember, even the old Soviet era, and have nothing to do with contemporary design, or management.
I'm afraid I only Telnic the pace of the best know of the deficit and the lack, is hard to catch up and change are.
In many of her views, I showed Telnic previously unteachable what As for criticism or proposed amendments or changes. If you like: Something stuck and unteachable.
Telnic seems to have no one who has the right experience in running a company: it consists entirely of directors, of which some, mere beneficiaries are, and nothing to contribute to the company.
It is now clear to me why so many are former dot-Tel-holders refused to renew their domains.
I, for my part, should now let loose, and just watch what so running with the dot-tel domain, and with iher Registry ".
Friday, 3 September 2010
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Telnic co-founder Fabien Chalandon bailed out of jail, for 75'000 Euros
Publié le 13/07/2010 / Le
The Court of Appeal of Paris has accepted the request for release of Fabien Chalandon, son of former Justice Minister Albin Chalandon, indicted for violating the law on games of chance, if a rule important bond, officials said a judicial source. The trial chamber of the Court of Appeal of Paris has accepted that sort of prison or under court supervision but must Fabien Chalandon previously able to pay a bail of 75,000 euros, the source said.
In custody since July 1, Fabien Chalandon, 57, has served as technical consultant of the company Visionex, suspected of making internet terminals allowing illegal paris.
He is suspected of having intervened with the Justice Minister, Michele Alliot-Marie, when the latter was Minister of the Interior to encourage the installation of Internet terminals. The manager of the company Visionex based in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), Olivier Sigoignet, for his part, was indicted last May for "violation of the laws on gambling" and remanded.
The Court of Appeal of Paris has accepted the request for release of Fabien Chalandon, son of former Justice Minister Albin Chalandon, indicted for violating the law on games of chance, if a rule important bond, officials said a judicial source. The trial chamber of the Court of Appeal of Paris has accepted that sort of prison or under court supervision but must Fabien Chalandon previously able to pay a bail of 75,000 euros, the source said.
In custody since July 1, Fabien Chalandon, 57, has served as technical consultant of the company Visionex, suspected of making internet terminals allowing illegal paris.
He is suspected of having intervened with the Justice Minister, Michele Alliot-Marie, when the latter was Minister of the Interior to encourage the installation of Internet terminals. The manager of the company Visionex based in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), Olivier Sigoignet, for his part, was indicted last May for "violation of the laws on gambling" and remanded.
Telnic Vice Chairman Fabien Chalandon indicted and jailed
02.07.2010 /
Quote Fabien Chaladon: ".tel is the biggest innovation in the Internet since the launch of .com."
Fabien Chalandon, son of former Justice Minister Albin Chalandon, was indicted Thursday for violating the law on gambling and incarcerated. Technical Consultant Company Visionex, suspected of making internet terminals allowing illegal paris, man aged 57 was arrested and taken into custody late Tuesday morning in Paris at the premises of the Brigade of repression banditry (BRB).
Paid up to € 10,000 per month for a year and a half Visionex society in exchange for his advice, Fabien Chalandon is suspected of having intervened with Michèle Alliot-Marie, when the latter was Minister of the Interior, to promote the installation of Internet terminals.
During his hearing, Fabien Chalandon reportedly said "being deceived" about the use of these machines by Sigoignet Olivier, the manager of this company based in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique). He acknowledged that the terminals of actually housed illegal gambling. Machines on which players can "lose" fat.
In an interview with Le Parisien, Aujourd'hui en France, son of former Minister of Justice had held that "Olivier Sigoignet underwent grossly unfair", saying even "a conspiracy hatched by several police departments in the balance of PMU and French games (JDF).
INDICTED May 20 for "infringement on the law on games of chance," Olivier Sigoignet has since been remanded in custody.
Quote Fabien Chaladon: ".tel is the biggest innovation in the Internet since the launch of .com."
Fabien Chalandon, son of former Justice Minister Albin Chalandon, was indicted Thursday for violating the law on gambling and incarcerated. Technical Consultant Company Visionex, suspected of making internet terminals allowing illegal paris, man aged 57 was arrested and taken into custody late Tuesday morning in Paris at the premises of the Brigade of repression banditry (BRB).
Paid up to € 10,000 per month for a year and a half Visionex society in exchange for his advice, Fabien Chalandon is suspected of having intervened with Michèle Alliot-Marie, when the latter was Minister of the Interior, to promote the installation of Internet terminals.
During his hearing, Fabien Chalandon reportedly said "being deceived" about the use of these machines by Sigoignet Olivier, the manager of this company based in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique). He acknowledged that the terminals of actually housed illegal gambling. Machines on which players can "lose" fat.
In an interview with Le Parisien, Aujourd'hui en France, son of former Minister of Justice had held that "Olivier Sigoignet underwent grossly unfair", saying even "a conspiracy hatched by several police departments in the balance of PMU and French games (JDF).
INDICTED May 20 for "infringement on the law on games of chance," Olivier Sigoignet has since been remanded in custody.
Monday, 30 August 2010
Why dottel?: Reach me, the exact me you were looking for!
If I had a nickel for every time I've missed an opportunity to get to know a good looking woman on a train because my email is hard to spell or my phone number is too long and random to remember, like the situation in this video, I'd be only slightly richer at this point in my life. In all seriousness though, there is real value in controlling your online identity and providing one easy to remember/shortened mechanism for people to interact with the data that you want them to interact with online. This is the entire premise behind the .tel top-level-domain (TLD) available to everyone via Telnic. A little background as to why this is significant for me. You see the unfortunate thing is this; I have a doppelgänger that lives in South Dakota. I'm quite positive he's not my evil twin however when it comes to sorting out our identities on the Internet things get a little confusing. The "other" Brent Kastner looks similar, likes technology, is a photographer, and loves to waterski. All similar activities that one could mistake for my activities. He also owns; how that happened I'll never know. This is precisely what I like about .tel. With .tel I can assemble all of the stuff that is "mine" into one page about me along with my picture, bio, interests, and contact info. This in turn will get picked up and indexed by search engines; hopefully above his. Check and Mate other Brent Kastner; we meet again!
Some details about my experience with it:
In the span of about an hour yesterday I set up for my personal contact information and ramblings and for my professional contact information and business affiliations. I registered my domains with and used the .tel profile management tool to add relevant information about me into each domain. Just like creating a regular domain on the Internet I did still need to wait about 24 hours before the DNS changes propagated to DNS servers in my area, but as of this morning it's all up and running fine.
The above is cool, no question about it. What really blew my hair back about this though was the seamless integration of my domain with google apps! In about another 30 minutes I have mail, chat, voice, docs, and calendaring (to name a few apps) for me and up to 50 people that want address... For FREE! For me, this takes the capabilities of the .tel concept to the next level of cool. Now I can confidently use a google voice phone number (that isn't my actual cell phone number) as my "global" contact me phone number. I can screen calls, emails, chats, etc all through my .tel email account hosted on google without fear of exposing myself to unwanted spam, cold calls, etc.
Now, the next time I'm on a train I can confidently give for my contact info. She'll be totally impressed! I think I'll order some business cards, plain white, with just on it. Think of this for a moment. Introductions can now be part intro, part research project :).
My wishlist for additional capabilities:
1.) I think it would be great to have a twitter widget that links with my account on my .tel page subject to the same privacy profiling that .tel does so well now. I'd like to show in real-time whats happening in my world as I update it.
2.) It would be awesome if friending features could be integrated with friending in say LinkedIn, Facebook, Ning networks, etc? I'd really appreciate an integrated friends management approach vs. having to maintain a new separate list of friends.
3.) I'd like people without .tel accounts to request to see my information. See point 2, even telfriends is a bit weak in this regard.
4.) I'd like to be able to hang a blog off of, create html content, or do other basic website related stuff here. Envision a day when I don't need any personal site at all, just the stuff contained here.
5.) I'd like to be able to "share" articles, websites, documents, anything available on the web via ShareThis, AddThis, or other sharing platforms directly to my .tel page
~Brent Kastner
Business cards with Dot Tel name:
Latest business cards with dot tel name arrived from Nice quality and service, as usual.
Some details about my experience with it:
In the span of about an hour yesterday I set up for my personal contact information and ramblings and for my professional contact information and business affiliations. I registered my domains with and used the .tel profile management tool to add relevant information about me into each domain. Just like creating a regular domain on the Internet I did still need to wait about 24 hours before the DNS changes propagated to DNS servers in my area, but as of this morning it's all up and running fine.
The above is cool, no question about it. What really blew my hair back about this though was the seamless integration of my domain with google apps! In about another 30 minutes I have mail, chat, voice, docs, and calendaring (to name a few apps) for me and up to 50 people that want a
Now, the next time I'm on a train I can confidently give for my contact info. She'll be totally impressed! I think I'll order some business cards, plain white, with just on it. Think of this for a moment. Introductions can now be part intro, part research project :).
My wishlist for additional capabilities:
1.) I think it would be great to have a twitter widget that links with my account on my .tel page subject to the same privacy profiling that .tel does so well now. I'd like to show in real-time whats happening in my world as I update it.
2.) It would be awesome if friending features could be integrated with friending in say LinkedIn, Facebook, Ning networks, etc? I'd really appreciate an integrated friends management approach vs. having to maintain a new separate list of friends.
3.) I'd like people without .tel accounts to request to see my information. See point 2, even telfriends is a bit weak in this regard.
4.) I'd like to be able to hang a blog off of, create html content, or do other basic website related stuff here. Envision a day when I don't need any personal site at all, just the stuff contained here.
5.) I'd like to be able to "share" articles, websites, documents, anything available on the web via ShareThis, AddThis, or other sharing platforms directly to my .tel page
~Brent Kastner
Business cards with Dot Tel name:
Latest business cards with dot tel name arrived from Nice quality and service, as usual.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
How to spice up your Dot Tel domain:
Here are the available templates, from which you can select:
How to set colours for the header and background for Dot Tel domains, using the .tel control panel:
When you are at your controll panel, respectively, dashboard, you go top left and click on the card "Design", and go from there. It is self explaining...
Which brings you up this controll panel:
Select a colour space number (1, 2 or 3):
The colour customising mini panel, that will pop up, looks like this:
In the vertical colour bar, you select a basic colour, for aditional fine tuning:
Then (within the left window) you place the cross on the ring, and move the ring to the right area, that brings up the colour you wish to have. Your selected colour then shows in one of the two small windows, top right within the small controll panel. --> Save your colour choice, with the "save" button, bottom, right side.
To add a logo, you must go back to the main control panel.
However, there are two tutorials. One in french, and another one in German (which will be continued):
And this is what is possible to create, within the limits...:
We are all aware of the major design shortcomings of Dot Tel Domains. I, for example, will not use anything but the single colour Retro template. However, this Dot Tel Domain, is an excellent example of what can be achieved. It's the best one I have seen yet. Click on the image to see it full size. I like the attention to detail, the rouge on the girls face is the same colour as part of the template. 10/10!
How to set colours for the header and background for Dot Tel domains, using the .tel control panel:
When you are at your controll panel, respectively, dashboard, you go top left and click on the card "Design", and go from there. It is self explaining...
Which brings you up this controll panel:
Select a colour space number (1, 2 or 3):
The colour customising mini panel, that will pop up, looks like this:
In the vertical colour bar, you select a basic colour, for aditional fine tuning:
Then (within the left window) you place the cross on the ring, and move the ring to the right area, that brings up the colour you wish to have. Your selected colour then shows in one of the two small windows, top right within the small controll panel. --> Save your colour choice, with the "save" button, bottom, right side.
To add a logo, you must go back to the main control panel.
However, there are two tutorials. One in french, and another one in German (which will be continued):
And this is what is possible to create, within the limits...:
An Example of a Beautifully Designed Dot Tel Domain
We are all aware of the major design shortcomings of Dot Tel Domains. I, for example, will not use anything but the single colour Retro template. However, this Dot Tel Domain, is an excellent example of what can be achieved. It's the best one I have seen yet. Click on the image to see it full size. I like the attention to detail, the rouge on the girls face is the same colour as part of the template. 10/10!
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
The Love Train
Adding to the Dot Tel launch hoopla was the infamous video depicting two hormone-laden Brits fighting for the attention of an uptown blonde – all while riding an intercity train. The one who scribbled “” on the window with his opponent’s latte won the girl.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Click to Call concepts
Here is a idea:
1.) Dot Tel web page.
2,) Link to Lady Nastya:
3.) Link goes to picture with click to call option, smilar to the concept of "Ting!"
But my idea, might enable people to decide, if they want to make a call, or not:
"Ting!" shows a full screen slideshow of a caller’s pictures during incoming calls. So the caller can assign to a particular contact several (or at least one) photos. And when this person calls the user can enjoy full screen photos of the contact.
Actually there are apps that act as a full screen caller on the market, but they mostly show just one picture. I assume that the ability to see several contact’s pictures during incoming call at once brings some fun and personalization to Symbian devices.
The application is written in Symbian C++ and consists of 2 parts: service and UI. Service is hidden and used to catch incoming calls, get incoming call number and check if it is added to the application database. If it is in the database, the application starts the slideshow with predefined pictures. The UI part is used to communicate with the application database and manage contacts.
Where to get the app?:
The most exciting thing in making mobile app is ability to use telephony functions and improve user experience in using mobile phone. This has led a developer to "Ting!", being recently launched. More of "Ting!" below.
At the same time the developer has realized, that since he is an independent developer and do most of the work himself, so there is no sense in trying to work with all possible mobile operating systems. In his situation, the only way to succeed as a mobile software vendor is to concentrate on one operating system and to do my best, developing high quality products for this platform. As you may expect he has chosen Symbian, since it is the only operating system which gives him as a developer deep access to telephony and device functions and at the same time gives him as a software vendor access to a really huge audience.
He was lucky enough to realize early that software development is the most easy task in selling product. What really takes most of your time is application promotion.
Implementing license manager, getting publisher id, signing, getting agreements with distributors, etc. That’s why his first product was partly aimed at building essential distribution relations like Handango, Ovi Store, Nokia Download, local Nokia stores here in Russia, etc. But at the same time it was a serious product called Blacklist Mobile which is very successful at the moment.
While working on Blacklist Mobile and it’s modification Whitelist Mobile, he had managed to gather all the telephony-based functionality you can gather using S60 APIs (including some Nokia’s partnering API’s). After that, he started to think how to use this in his next products. And how to use it in a product that can be targeted at a wide audience that has entertainment value. That’s how the idea of Ting! came to his head.
Read more, about "Ting!":
"Ting!" blog:
1.) Dot Tel web page.
2,) Link to Lady Nastya:
3.) Link goes to picture with click to call option, smilar to the concept of "Ting!"
But my idea, might enable people to decide, if they want to make a call, or not:
"Ting!" shows a full screen slideshow of a caller’s pictures during incoming calls. So the caller can assign to a particular contact several (or at least one) photos. And when this person calls the user can enjoy full screen photos of the contact.
Actually there are apps that act as a full screen caller on the market, but they mostly show just one picture. I assume that the ability to see several contact’s pictures during incoming call at once brings some fun and personalization to Symbian devices.
The application is written in Symbian C++ and consists of 2 parts: service and UI. Service is hidden and used to catch incoming calls, get incoming call number and check if it is added to the application database. If it is in the database, the application starts the slideshow with predefined pictures. The UI part is used to communicate with the application database and manage contacts.
Where to get the app?:
The most exciting thing in making mobile app is ability to use telephony functions and improve user experience in using mobile phone. This has led a developer to "Ting!", being recently launched. More of "Ting!" below.
At the same time the developer has realized, that since he is an independent developer and do most of the work himself, so there is no sense in trying to work with all possible mobile operating systems. In his situation, the only way to succeed as a mobile software vendor is to concentrate on one operating system and to do my best, developing high quality products for this platform. As you may expect he has chosen Symbian, since it is the only operating system which gives him as a developer deep access to telephony and device functions and at the same time gives him as a software vendor access to a really huge audience.
He was lucky enough to realize early that software development is the most easy task in selling product. What really takes most of your time is application promotion.
Implementing license manager, getting publisher id, signing, getting agreements with distributors, etc. That’s why his first product was partly aimed at building essential distribution relations like Handango, Ovi Store, Nokia Download, local Nokia stores here in Russia, etc. But at the same time it was a serious product called Blacklist Mobile which is very successful at the moment.
While working on Blacklist Mobile and it’s modification Whitelist Mobile, he had managed to gather all the telephony-based functionality you can gather using S60 APIs (including some Nokia’s partnering API’s). After that, he started to think how to use this in his next products. And how to use it in a product that can be targeted at a wide audience that has entertainment value. That’s how the idea of Ting! came to his head.
Read more, about "Ting!":
"Ting!" blog:
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